British Wildlife


Welcome to my British Wildlife Photography portfolio, here you’ll see a collection of images that I have been lucky enough to capture over the years from a various locations around Devon, England.

I find that getting good consistent wildlife images becomes a lot easier once you’ve finally found that good location and keep going back regularly. The more times you are able to visit that particular place the better your images will become as you’ll start learning what wildlife is there and where you’re likely to find it. Also don’t always go at the same time of day, you’ll be surprised at what different wildlife you’ll see, just by going some days at sunrise and others at sunset.

If you’re wanting to get into wildlife photography and not sure where to begin, then I’d highly recommend starting out at your local country parks, woodland areas or even joining the RSPB and visiting their wildlife hides, as these are places where wildlife is more used to people being around and you’ll be more likely to capture some exceptionally good images.

However… that said, you are still not always guaranteed to come back with amazing photos every time and more often than not, probably none. Although try not to get too disappointed, as tomorrow’s wildlife adventure can be completely different…

